Thursday, August 16, 2007

What IS Salvia Divinorum

Salvia divinorum is a sprawling perennial herb which grows wild only in the Sierra Mazatec region of Mexico. It's leaves contain the extremely potent salvinorin-A. It has a history of use as a divinatory psychedelic for oral use and has been widely available since the mid 1990s primarily as a smoked herb. Its effects are considered unpleasant by many people. (Lamiaceae (Former: Labiatae), Salvia, divinorum; splendens)

Get extensive info about Salvia such as research articles, chemistry, cultivation techniques, pictures, effects of the plant etc... from The Vaults Of Erowid


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Ravi Verma said...

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what is salvia divinorum said...

Salvia Divinorum is one of the most widely consumed legal smoking blends in the market. More and more people are turning to herbal blends like Salvia because they are legal and give the body and mind a desirable high. Before you decide to try out some Salvia divinorum, we highly recommend that you continue reading about this ever so popular product. Below is a helpful overview on what Salvia really is, how it is used and what the effects are.

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